People Now Trust Lawyers More Than Lawmakers

16% of Americans rate lawyers' honesty and ethical standards as 'high' or 'very high,' according to a Gallup poll taken in December... Lawyers did better than business executives, insurance salespeople and stockbrokers. Twelve percent of Americans viewed those occupations as having high or very high ethics and honesty. The percentage decreased to 8% for advertising practitioners, car salespeople and senators, and 6% for members of Congress.
The current 16% is lower than the previous year's 21% - maybe number fudging like that is why people don't trust lawyers. What can I tell you, the profession has had a bad reputation with numbers for a while now. What they are good at is spin - considering that lawyers are now ranked more trustworthy than executives, stockbrokers, and Pelosi's coworkers, I'd still consider this to be a huge win!
Read at Above the Law