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1 month ago

What Are the Highest Paying Jobs in Every U.S. State: Report | Entrepreneur

Your location significantly impacts earning potential; certain states pay certain professions much more than the national average. [ more ]
4 months ago
Tech industry

What Happened When Computers Learned How to Read

Computers are now reading and processing all types of written content, including novels, academic articles, and private messages.
Automation and artificial intelligence are impacting various professions, including writers, professors, physicians, and attorneys. [ more ]
Above the Law
4 months ago

People Now Trust Lawyers More Than Lawmakers

Lawyers are viewed as more trustworthy than business executives, insurance salespeople, stockbrokers, car salespeople, and members of Congress.
The percentage of Americans who view lawyers as having high or very high ethics and honesty has decreased from the previous year. [ more ]
7 months ago

Tell us what it is like working in your dream job

The Guardian is looking to feature individuals with interesting, exciting, or unusual jobs.
They are seeking behind-the-scenes insights into various trades and professions.
Contributors can remain anonymous, and data will be used only for the purpose of the feature. [ more ]
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