Lawyer Suspended For Pooping In Pringles Can Gets His Law License Reinstated

In November 2022, Jack Allen Blakeslee, an Ohio lawyer, was accused of 'deposit[ing] his feces' into an empty Pringles can and chucking it into the parking lot of a victims advocacy center before heading off to court.
Blakeslee was a serial Pringles pooper - once he pooped popped, he apparently couldn't stop. He'd done this on about 10 other occasions, 'indiscriminately choosing the location where he [threw] the chip cans containing his feces.'
Blakeslee paid a fine and court costs after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct and littering in the wake of his shit slinging, but he was unable to flush the associated ethics case down the toilet.
Blakeslee managed to cut the crap for six months, and the deuce he'd taken on his legal career was wiped away clean - he was able to get his law license reinstated.
Read at Above the Law