Following Trump's presidency commencement, there has been a surge in calls to crisis helplines from trans and gender nonconforming youth, indicating profound emotional distress. Many adolescents express feelings of hopelessness and fear, with sentiments reflecting a belief that their existence is unwelcome in society. Attacks, both online and offline, from Trump supporters have escalated, leading to the emboldened environment where hate against trans individuals and supportive organizations has increased sharply. Activists report spikes in hostile messages and incidents of hate, highlighting a troubling trend of targeting against the LGBTQ+ community.
"We have already seen an uptick in the hate against us. We had someone who came to our home just last Tuesday and put a note in our mailbox that said: 'He's your daddy now, he's your president. You people won't exist anymore.' So yes, they're definitely emboldened."
"He didn't get rid of them, they're always going to exist-but he damn so put a target on them, especially my teenage son."
"We've been receiving a lot of messages, crazy shit, like 'Trump is your president, now all of you are gonna have to go away. We don't want you here.' We get those in contact submission forms every day and since the election it has just grown exponentially."