White expressed that meeting the Pope validated his place within the Church, stating, "This meeting with the Pope suggests that my place is just as valid here as anyone else's." His sentiment reflects a broader acceptance for other trans and LGBTQ+ individuals within the church community.
Pope Francis, during the encounter, emphasized acceptance of trans individuals by stating, "trans people must be accepted," highlighting a critical distinction he makes between trans identities and what he terms 'gender ideology,' which he finds problematic.
In reflecting on the Church's evolving stance, White remarked, "The Church is gradually becoming more inclusive... particularly with the recent Synod on Synodality advocating for greater lay involvement and increased leadership roles for women," underscoring a significant shift.
Conveying the significance of their meeting, White shared how he gifted the Pope a book he contributed to, expressing that it was a means of sharing important narratives, saying, "Sharing these stories helps make that possible."