Christopher Gunsky, Cinelux area director emphasized the community's engagement stating, "We appreciate and look forward to the continued support of our theater from Los Gatans. We are proud to host Monday Morning Movies in support of Los Gatos Thrives and making our town a friendly place for all ages." This underlines the importance of community support for local initiatives.
Sandy Decker, chair of the Thrives Foundation noted, "As chairman of the Thrives Foundation, I am thrilled with the enormous amount of interest and support we have gotten from the people in the Town of Los Gatos for a community center. Thank you." This reflects the community’s dedication to improving local facilities and initiatives.
Tom Picraux, chair of the Los Gatos Senior Service Committee shared, "In 2024 Los Gatos Thrives Foundation completed a community needs assessment and draft plan for a Los Gatos intergenerational community center. Fundraising for the new center will begin in 2025." This highlights the ongoing efforts and future plans for community development.
Teri Hope, community advocate stated, "I will continue my work in support of various local foundations. I'll give special attention to Los Gatos Music and Arts program Jazz on the Plazz by kicking off the year with a Jazz Master Class for youth." This showcases her commitment to enriching local cultural programs.