Daeus Bencomo of Lavaloha Chocolate Farm in Hilo is championing Hawaiian cacao, aiming to introduce it to the global market ethically. With the majority of chocolate made from cacao sourced in West Africa, often associated with unethical practices, Hawaiian producers like Lavaloha and Puna Chocolate Company focus on sustainable and mindful artisanal methods. They cultivate quality chocolate while adhering to superior labor standards and ethical practices. By growing locally and independently, they are producing chocolate that emphasizes integrity and quality, setting themselves apart from major chocolate manufacturers known for subpar ingredients.
Bringing the Hawaiian cacao to light for the rest of the world - I really want to be at the forefront of that, says Lavaloha's president Bencomo.
For all of us in Hawai'i, it's integrity; it's gonna be Hawaiian grown, and it's gonna be quality beans, says Puna Chocolate Company owner Adam Potter.