ESPN Gives High Marks to Dodgers' Farm System After Draft, Trade Deadline

"The dollar amounts for each farm system come from projecting what each is expected to do, using historical examples," writes Kiley McDaniel. "With that, it's pretty easy to project how much they'll be paid in their six-plus cost-controlled years for that projected performance, adjust for time value of money/performance, apply the price teams pay per win on the free agent market for how much that performance is worth and poof: each player has a dollar value."
Josue De Paula is currently considered the club's top prospect and catcher-turned-left-fielder Dalton Rushing is flying through the minor league system behind him. Rushing was drafted as a catcher but since he arrived in Oklahoma City, the Triple-A club is playing exclusively in left field.
Taking the draft and trade deadline into account, the Dodgers emerged at No. 3. Since then, only Andy Pages has graduated from being considered a prospect while pitcher River Ryan and Justin Wrobleski have earned innings with the big league club because of injuries and underperformance.
Read at Dodgers Nation