This Off-the-radar Country Is a Must-visit Safari Destination-How to Plan a Trip

In Loango National Park, the narrator embarks on a quest to find elusive forest elephants, criticially endangered due to poaching. With a guide's advice to move quietly and attentively to detect the animals without being spotted, the journey presents challenges in the dense jungle. The rainforest brims with noise and distractions, making it difficult to catch sight of the elephants. As they navigate through fallen trees and veils of vines, the anticipation builds amidst a backdrop of nature's sounds, ultimately revealing the elephants' remarkable ability to hide despite their size.
"We skirted logs splintered under the weight of heavy feet and spotted mud smudges on trees well above our heads. Giant footprints pockmarked the path."
"Mavoungou paused to hover his hand over a brown lump of dung: it was still warm."
"It's important to walk slowly and listen," he warned. "You need to see the animal before it sees you."
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