As someone who lives in a Mediterranean country, I have noticed an interesting thing about harvesting olives. Some bigger olive oil makers have used electric rakes to collect the olives from the trees. At the same time, others like us, who possess only five not-so-high olive trees, have picked the yield manually. This works well when you are developing application prototypes or working on Proof of Concept, where the focus is more on rapid feature development than maintaining automated tests.
If your product is small-scale (a few quite low olive trees - e.g. a landing page with registration and login flows), it may be too early and pricy to automate UI tests. Instead, the manual tests could be done promptly. If the user flows are raw, it will be a waste of time and budget if you start automating tests. Once the rework is needed in the UI/UX, some intervention will be required for the automated tests, too.