The case of Ackerman v. Pink emphasizes copyright limitations on non-fiction works, clarifying that authors cannot prevent others from using historical facts derived from their research. Daniel Ackerman, author of "The Tetris Effect," sued over the film Tetris for alleged copyright infringement regarding shared historical narratives. The district judge, Katherine Polk Failla, affirmed that while the Film incorporated factual elements from the Book, copyright protection applies solely to the original expression. The court's examination may mistreat the distinction between fact and expression, even if it concludes appropriately against expanding copyright protections.
The court's distinction between historical facts and the author's unique expression in non-fiction works is critical, but the analysis in Ackerman v. Pink may misguide interpretations.
The author of a non-fiction work holds no proprietary right over historical facts, which can be freely utilized by other creators in their narratives.