Hundreds of Trademark Applicants Get Erroneous Notices of Abandonment from USPTO

Eric Perrott expressed his frustration by stating, "I have no idea how something like this happens, but having the client accidentally receive an official USPTO email that their trademark application is abandoned is absolutely inexcusable." He underlines the serious consequences such errors can have on clients and their business operations.
The USPTO's notification clarified the situation by stating, "The affected customers filed a timely request for an extension of time to file a Statement of Use, but received an incorrect abandonment notice dated December 2." This highlights the significant impact of miscommunication on trademark applicants.
Eric Perrott first identified the issue and reported that the error could have affected "thousands" of applications but later revised it to state the number is in the hundreds, showing the confusion and uncertainty caused by the USPTO's system error.
The USPTO acknowledged their oversight, saying it is investigating the error linked to a temporary process put in place due to the retirement of the former Trademark Reporting and Monitoring system that was discontinued in May.
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