"Our goal is to empower the entire educational community with the knowledge they need to protect themselves from today's cyber threats," said Guccione. "Starting this education at a young age will help ensure future generations are protected against the cyber threats plaguing our digital landscape."
Flex Your Cyber will provide tailored content for parents, teachers, administrators and children, ranging from practical tips and solutions for the grown-ups, to more age-appropriate activities for children.
For children in the Little Kids category, which covers those aged up to about eight or nine, the campaign has developed a number of videos and games, an activity book and an infographic to introduce the youngest learners to some of the basics of online safety.
This is where Williams Racing comes in. The team has loaned the services of its lead driver Alex Albon, who stars in a video in which he travels across the internet on a brightly coloured bike, battling cartoon cyber threats as he goes.