Harry Coker, national cyber director, stated, "Throughout our history, generation after generation of Americans have stepped up to meet the challenges of their day, protecting and serving our nation in a variety of ways. Today, we face a new challenge and with it a new opportunity to serve: defending cyberspace." This emphasizes the critical need for skilled professionals to combat new cyber threats.
The hiring push aims to fill nearly half a million cyber jobs in the U.S., with approximately 3,000 federal openings noted in the 2210 occupational series... Assistant cyber director Seeyew Mo highlighted that this campaign is designed to connect job seekers with emerging opportunities in cybersecurity.
The government's HR agency seeks a legislative revamp of cyber hiring and pay, despite a lack of legislative interest thus far. It underscores ongoing challenges in attracting quality talent, particularly when simplifying hiring processes and pay structures are not prioritized by lawmakers.