Stay Safe: Critical Information Your Employees Should Know Following the Crowdstrike IT Chaos | HackerNoon

In such an environment of uncertainty, cybercriminals are making the most of the situation by attempting to exploit this chaos. We expect the hackers to be all involved in the confusion and vulnerabilities the outage has revealed.
Social engineering exploits human errors, extracting information by manipulating targets to reveal confidential data. Techniques like Pretexting, Baiting, and Tailgating capitalize on trust and willingness to assist.
Pretexting involves fabricating scenarios to obtain sensitive information, such as posing as IT support during an outage to gain access to secure systems. Exploiting urgency and confusion increases compliance rates.
Baiting tricks victims into taking action with appealing offers, like downloading critical patches. Attackers may use this tactic by sending fake updates post-outage to capitalize on unsuspecting users and spread malware.
Read at Hackernoon