Babiru is a high-concept action feature film produced by Second Tomorrow Studios, directed by Nguyen-Anh Nguyen, and created using Unreal Engine. The project involved significant post-production effort, particularly in colour grading, which was led by Marc Boucrot. Together with Nguyen, Boucrot worked to enhance the film's visual aesthetic, aiming for a cinematic and organic look. The insights from this collaboration include tips for colour grading using DaVinci Resolve and Fusion Studio, making the film not just an output of artistry but also a source of inspiration for aspiring colourists.
Babiru, a high-concept action feature, is notable for its innovative use of Unreal Engine and advanced colour grading techniques, enhancing its cinematic appeal.
The colour grading for Babiru was conducted by Marc Boucrot in collaboration with director Nguyen-Anh Nguyen, who aimed to achieve a more organic and cinematic visual style.
Marc Boucrot has shared his professional techniques in colour grading, providing inspiration for both seasoned colourists and newcomers keen on enhancing their skills.
The project exemplifies a blend of cutting-edge technology and artistry, showcasing the pivotal role of colour grading in creating visually compelling narratives.