7 Bay Area Horror Movies For Your Halloween Viewing Pleasure

If your idea of a perfect Halloween is turning off all the lights, tucking yourself under a blanket, and snuggling up next to a bag of fun-size candy for a horror movie marathon, you're not alone. It's a strategy that effectively removes the pressure of coming up with a costume idea and picking a party to attend. But it does present one pretty major quandary: what the hell to watch?
'Cujo' is streaming now on Tubi. Filmed in Oakland's Dunsmuir House (a location with a tragic real-life history), the home here—like the one in Netflix's Haunting of Hill House—has a character and motivation all of its own. All of which is compounded by some spectacular over-acting by Oliver Reed, Karen Black and Bette Davis.
Witnessing San Francisco's Melanie Daniels (charmingly played by Tippi Hedren) slowly devolve from a self-assured, independent practical joker to a traumatized shell is genuinely perturbing here. And not a little harrowing now that we know about Hitchcock's appalling treatment of Hedren in real life.
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