Thoughts on My Way to Work

The article presents a humorous and relatable take on the mundane struggles of daily office life, from deliberating on whether to call in sick despite being ready for work, to pondering if co-workers would judge breakfast choices. It highlights the absurdity of daily routines, such as commuting time to spend in monotonous meetings close to colleagues. Through a light-hearted tone, it conveys feelings of procrastination, social pressures, and the desire for casual indulgences like Taco Bell while highlighting deeper reflections on relationships and regret.
I'm wearing jeans on a Tuesday and there's nothing they can do about it.
How long can I pretend to "catch up on e-mails" this morning before anyone realizes I'm not doing any work?
Hopefully someone will have made a pot of coffee by the time I get in to the office. Today is not the day I'm figuring out how that works.
Read at The New Yorker