Sell Out: Part Four

"Herschel changed my life," said Josh Herson, a rising junior at Columbia, who mans one of Herschel's forty pickle carts. "Last year at this time I was thinking about becoming a banker or working for some soulless ad firm. But interning for Herschel has shown me that you don't have to sell out to succeed."
"Everyone must return jar. Or they will be violenced." It's hard to think of a better metaphor for our times. If we don't give back to society -- if we don't "return our jars" -- then our world may very well fall apart. Luckily, we have Herschel to help us hold it all together.
"Our company believes in the value of all human beings," she says. "We stand for the ninety-nine per cent." She says many things like this to many newspaper people. Her words are crazy, but I do not stop her, because it seems to make more people buy our pickles. Every day, there are more and more customers lining up.
"This is so wonderful," she says to me one night, while helping me count out the day's moneys.
Read at The New Yorker