Did the Knights Templar Keep a Pet Crocodile? A Medieval Mystery Unveiled - Medievalists.net

The most intriguing detail comes later: At the time when Acre was still held by the Christians, the Knights Templar had a crocodile from whose mouth they had pulled the teeth and which they had tamed.
A crocodile is an extraordinarily dangerous animal; it is very strong and horrifying. It is bigger than an ox in size. Its fur is like that of a wolf; it lives in Egypt in the great river called the Nile.
While the idea of a tamed crocodile may seem far-fetched, it's not entirely implausible. Acre, a major port in the Crusader States until its fall in 1291, was a hub of trade.
The author, whose identity remains unknown, was possibly a diplomat or merchant traveling through the region. The text mainly focuses on the people and places of the region.
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