The Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST), which identified marginalized communities facing pollution, was removed from government sites at the start of Donald Trump's second term. Researchers quickly rallied to create a new online version, expressing gratitude from community members who relied on it. Jonathan Gilmour from Harvard pointed out the outcry against the removal, emphasizing the significance of such tools for environmental justice. The Public Environmental Data Project, to which Gilmour belongs, aims to preserve essential environmental resources targeted by the Trump administration, including the Environmental Justice Scorecard.
One of the first tools the Trump admin took down was CEJST. It sure would be frustrating to the administration's anti-EJ, anti-climate goals if someone had ... saved it.
I got an incredible outpouring of gratitude, messages from folks in the community who were saying, 'We use this every day in our work to help better serve our community.'
Members of the group said other resources have gone off-line since Trump's return. Those include the Environmental Justice Scorecard, which... helped enforce "environmental and civil rights laws."
#environmental-justice #trump-administration #climate-change #data-preservation #community-resilience