Conenello recommends wearing supportive footwear during prolonged standing tasks to prevent excessive foot load. While he supports going barefoot generally, he acknowledges that socks provide some protection against abrasions and allergens. However, socks diminish the benefits of barefoot walking. Despite this, walking barefoot at home on clean floors is mostly safe unless one has specific skin conditions or medical issues that could lead to injuries or infections. Thus, a balanced approach to barefoot practices is suggested.
When standing for long periods barefoot, there can be excessive load to one area of the foot. Even my professional cooks usually benefit from a shoe that allows them to balance weight over their entire foot.
There is nothing wrong with wearing socks. They'll simply decrease the benefits associated with being barefoot. There is now a filter between the ground and the foot.
Socks can offer minimal protection from minor abrasions or allergens while still allowing your feet to feel relatively free.
Likewise, individuals with diabetes, neuropathy or poor circulation should avoid barefoot walking due to the increased risk of unnoticed injuries or infections.