Say cheese! Same Paper's latest photography magazine is all about cracking a smile

Directing us to some standout moments in the book, Xiaopeng lands on Chris Maggio's work. When first running the story by the Same Paper team, Chris said that he wanted to hang around in New York taking serious portraits, only to then retouch them with a smiling filter. Though, instead of being met by sombre faces, Chris ended up capturing a horde of smiling faces. Xiaopeng also highlights Feng Li's photographs of a pig, a visual story that doesn't include smiles but will certainly induce them. Apparently one day when travelling home Feng came across a stray baby pig, and, thinking it was a miniature pig, took it home. It soon became clear that the pic was in fact a regular sized pig, and now after the care of his family, the pig is pretty massive. "The pig has stayed with his family over eight years, and become an important family member," Xiaopeng says.
When it came to the design of the Closing Ceremony, the studio wanted people to see it and consider it a general, all-encompassing magazine rather than simply a photography publication. To tackle this, the designer Juergen Maelfeyt was enlisted on the project to make a magazine that was "mixed" and allowed the images to interfere with one another, rather than taking the minimalist approach more commonly adopted by photography magazines, Xiaopeng explains. For the title, Juergen created a rubbery, spiky font that looks like "tigers teeth" mid-laugh, and for the two alternating front covers a picture of Feng's pig and a portrait of Roe Ethridge's grinning daughter were selected - both of which trigger "joyful feelings". As soon as the audience lays eyes on the cover, Xiaopeng hopes that they realise they're about to encounter something funny.
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