The Netflix docuseries 'The Manhattan Alien Abduction' chronicles Linda Napolitano's account of her alleged alien abduction from her New York apartment in 1989. The series, directed by Dan Vernon, delves into the belief systems surrounding such experiences instead of just the events themselves. The production emphasizes realism mixed with futuristic aesthetics using advanced visual effects. Inspired by 1980s sci-fi classics, the creative team aimed to evoke a dreamlike atmosphere while carefully crafting the narrative around Linda's transformative experiences.
The premise is less about the paranormal, and more about the belief system surrounding it, focusing on people whose lives have been changed by these events.
It turned into a real passion project for us referencing classics from Aliens to Independence Day. It was a blast from the past!
I wanted to create a graphic, archival feel in the confessional shots, which is why I used the ARRI Mini LF and other techniques.