Here's A Timeline Of Hitler's First 53 Days In Office - Let Me Know If You Notice Anything Familiar

As historical parallels arise between Nazi Germany's rise and contemporary U.S. politics, some politicians emphasize the rapid dismantling of democracy. Adolf Hitler's journey included a failed coup, imprisonment, and strategic use of democratic processes to build support. Following the Great Depression, the Nazi Party garnered significant electoral success, achieving 37% of votes in July 1932 and maintaining a majority in subsequent elections. The article aims to provide a timeline of events in 1933 illustrating the urgent lessons from history regarding democracy's fragility.
Historian Christopher R. Browning stated, 'Hitler's lesson from the failed putsch was that he needed to pursue revolution through 'the politics of legality' rather than storm Munich City Hall. The Nazis would use the electoral process of democracy to destroy democracy.'
With the speeches made during his trial, the release of Mein Kampf, and the impact of the Great Depression on Germany, Hitler continued to build support for the National Socialist German Workers' Party, aka the Nazi Party.
In the July elections of 1932, the Nazis won more votes than any other party (37% of the popular vote). Shortly thereafter, the majority parties were unable to form a coalition to govern.
If you're wondering exactly how things went down in 1933, you're in luck - this timeline will lay it all out for you.
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