Hanau, a city known for its ties to the Brothers Grimm, is now marked by the horrific 2020 shooting where a far-right gunman killed nine individuals. This incident raised urgent questions about the German state's commitment to combatting right-wing extremism and left immigrant communities shaken. Emis Gurbuz, mother of a victim, expressed the pain of loss and accountability in a memorial attended by national leaders. The city faces ongoing debates about the memorial's placement against the backdrop of its cultural legacy, highlighting the intersection of history and modern challenges.
The attack on 19 February of that year not only left a deep wound within immigrant communities throughout the country, it again raised questions about how seriously the German state takes rightwing extremist terrorism.
If everyone had carried out their duties, these nine people would still be alive, Gurbuz said, close to tears.
There were endless arguments, for instance, about whether the city centre was an appropriate place for a memorial to the victims.
This event is a stain on the history of Hanau and of Germany, Gurbuz said.