Video game libraries lose legal appeal to emulate physical game collections online

In a candid social media post, Frank Cifaldi remarked on the misinterpretation of his GDC talk on emulation, expressing frustration that copyright officials equated emulation with piracy, rather than recognizing its value for game preservation.
The VGHF criticized the ongoing lobbying efforts by rightsholder groups, emphasizing that restrictions on remote access hinder research, forcing scholars to seek alternative, legally gray avenues to study out-of-print games.
NYU professor Laine Nooney highlighted significant inequities in research access, noting that her colleagues in literary and film studies enjoy straightforward access to digitized works, while video game researchers are stymied by legal barriers.
Phil Salvador of the VGHF expressed disappointment in the Copyright Office's decision, yet affirmed that the organization's research has positively influenced game re-releases and funding for video game history projects.
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