In a groundbreaking initiative in the UK, survivors of child sexual abuse (CSA) are participating in standup comedy courses to process their trauma. Led by comedian Angie Belcher, the two-day program encourages victims to find humor in their experiences as a means of reclaiming power and facilitating recovery. Belcher emphasizes that comedy can offer healing while acknowledging the seriousness of abuse. This initiative reflects the growing recognition of creative expression as a therapeutic tool for individuals who have endured CSA, helping them navigate their pain with humor and hope.
Survivors need to find ways to hold the pain alongside hope, positivity and healing, and that's where comedy can help.
Saying that something is funny doesn't mean it's not sad or serious.
Standup comedy can be part of recovery because it gives power back to the victim by laughing at their oppressor.
These are people who have already gone through major counselling... and are now looking to do something different to keep themselves busy.