Can I change my job, address or marriage if I have applied for French citizenship?

Applying for French citizenship can involve lengthy processing times, often spanning years instead of months. Changes in personal circumstances, such as job, residence, or relationships, can influence this process but do not necessarily halt it. Applications, which differ based on residency or familial connections, require careful management of circumstances like moving houses. Relocating within the same department is typically manageable, whereas moving to a different department may complicate the process, potentially leading to delays due to the need for the new prefecture to review the application afresh.
Although processing times vary depending on how you are applying and the area you live in, it's generally advised to think in terms of years rather than months.
It's worth noting that all citizenship applications are decided on their own merits and there are significant differences in the process depending on whether you are applying through residency or marriage.
Read at The Local France