Or any stretch along the French Riviera, if I was given the opportunity for an international relocation. The sun-soaked coast studded with pinstriped parasols, croissants and coffee haunts has always had a glitz that's quietly cooler than the sophistiquee arrondissements and renowned landmarks of Paris.
However, the Olympics' return to Europe for the first time in more than a decade is hard to resist. Nostalgia had got the better of me and memories of my experience at London 2012 returned... I was prepared to face the sporting mobs of Paris. So, I signed up for the ballot in January 2023 because I saw it somewhere...
To my surprise, all four of my family members were successful in phase one of the draw but it only took logging into the first ballot slot for us to trip over a seriously high financial hurdle. Tickets to the big hitters in Paris - the opening ceremony, swimming and athletics - were either sold out or up to 690 a pop...