Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has returned to Dubai temporarily after being allowed to leave France, where he faced an investigation. Initially arrested near Paris and barred from leaving, he faced serious preliminary charges including drug trafficking and child exploitation. Despite these allegations, Durov maintains that Telegram complies with legal obligations and has expressed gratitude towards the investigative judges for easing his bail conditions. His remarks reflect on the challenges of moderating an app with rapidly growing users, suggesting that it has created vulnerabilities for criminal misuse.
As you may have heard, I've returned to Dubai after spending several months in France due to an investigation related to the activity of criminals on Telegram.
When it comes to moderation, cooperation, and fighting crime, for years Telegram not only met but exceeded its legal obligations.
The surging numbers of users on the app caused growing pains that made it easier for criminals to abuse our platform.
Preliminary charges under French law mean magistrates have strong reason to believe a crime was committed but allow more time for further investigation.