"I had to gently tell an acquaintance that they have to be careful who they tell the mental health struggles to at work. I know she was searching not only for connection but also to justify why she struggled in that environment. But many people do not see it that way, and such personal info can be abused horribly. I think that openness is not horrible and that oversharing is just part of a desperate bid to connect and be validated. But workplace social filters are necessary, though they change from workplace to workplace. I personally think that everyone joining a workplace should start off by keeping everything at a surface level. Depth should be earned."
"I went to an all-girls Catholic school where they only mentioned condoms as a way to avoid STIs and STDs. They never showed us what they looked like or how to use them. This was in the early 2010s, so I'm dismayed to hear it's only gotten *worse*"
"I've noticed millennials were blessed with being raised in the 'troubleshooting' years, on the cusp of a natural evolution of technology and true ingenuity. With Gen Z, I've witnessed that if technology is not fully automated or if they come across a technical issue that needs attention, they pretty much just give up. They would rather get a new phone instead of attending to a simple issue with their current phone. But if your first phone was a Nokia 3310, you appreciate the true value of problem-solving and self-reliance."