People Are Calling Out The Most Out-Of-Pocket Things Their Coworkers Have Done, And It's Wild

The narrative highlights an unusual situation at a tile shop, where employees became accustomed to daily interactions with bank tellers. However, the staff changed when several employees went missing. It was later revealed that the shop's manager and some staff had been using the warehouse for illicit activities, specifically renting it to a porn studio. The plot was uncovered when a customer recognized the store's distinctive tile design in a pornographic video and reported it, leading to significant repercussions for the staff and corporate intervention.
Turns out that their manager and a bunch of his underlings were opening up the warehouse after closing hours and renting the space out to a porn studio.
It was discovered when one of their customers recognized the tiled kitchen set in the background of the porn and took screenshots to send to corporate.
Read at BuzzFeed