The article explains the French term 'argot', which signifies slang or colloquial language. Originally linked to beggars and later to criminals in the 17th century, the term's connotation has shifted to a more neutral standpoint, encompassing various informal languages used in different sectors. Argot is now frequently indicated in French dictionaries when describing informal usage. Furthermore, it highlights examples like 'argot de bureau' for office slang, showcasing that specific industries often have unique slang terms. The discussion also contrasts argot with 'verlan', a specific playful form of slang that involves inverting word syllables.
At the end of the 19th century, royalist factions opposed to the new French Republic called it as an insult, defining argot as language specific to criminals.
Over time, argot became much more neutral, simply grouping colloquial language as it pops up in French, reflecting the everyday slang of various groups.
French dictionaries sometimes write argot in parenthesis next to the word in question, indicating that it is informal usage, illustrating its role in language.
Some industries have their own terms for slang; for instance, butchers in Paris and Lyon have historically called their unique slang by a specific name.