When the Restaurants 'for Everyone' Aren't for Vegetarians

"No one walks into a barbecue restaurant or a smash burger joint expecting plentiful plant-based options. But on a beautiful fall Sunday, with a group of friends of various dietary needs, I did not expect to walk into a pub... and see nary a vegan item on the menu."
"Vegan dining has made incredible strides since... the worst cake of my life at a high school birthday party. Sad substitutions of applesauce and banana for every conceivable ingredient has turned into rich cultured plant-based cheeses, flavorful 'fake meats'..."
"It's clear that many are trying to ensure plentiful options. But menus need to change a lot more before many restaurants can really call themselves 'for everyone.'"
"A lot of restaurants should have that forethought of having a vegetarian or vegan option on the menu... From a business perspective, you never want to turn any guests away."
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