As spring unfolds, the celebration includes refreshing beverages, delicious treats, and the importance of a comfortable kitchen knife. With expert recommendations from David Williams and others, seasonal flavors abound, featuring chocolate delicacies and cardamom cakes. The article also delves into the trend of restaurants sharing behind-the-scenes content to draw in customers. Highlights include lunch with culinary icon Claudia Roden discussing her new book, and insights from Dame Denise Lewis on her cooking practices, reflecting the rich connection between food and lifestyle.
Spring signifies a time for celebration with seasonal flavors; whether it's a refreshing drink, delightful treats like cardamom cake, or family heritage in kitchen knives.
Jimi Famurewa highlights the restaurant industry's trend of sharing behind-the-scenes content as a strategy to attract patrons, crucial in a fluctuating business landscape.
Claudia Roden shares insights into her culinary journey and upcoming book at an intimate Hampstead spot, engaging fans with her stories and experiences.
Dame Denise Lewis reflects on her culinary preferences, including grilling snapper and crafting the perfect gin and tonic, merging her sports career with her love for cooking.