There's Actually A Better Way You Could Be Opening A Soda Can - Tasting Table

The article discusses the innovative design of soda cans, particularly the circular indent at the bottom which serves as both a pressure containment feature and a stacking aid. A viral TikTok hack demonstrates how tilting one can over another allows users to open it without damaging their fingers. This method is not only practical but showcases how an aspect of the design, originally intended for manufacturing efficiency, can be repurposed for consumer convenience, highlighting the evolution from older can designs to the modern pull tab introduced in the 1960s.
When you tilt the top can to the opposite side of where the bottom can's tab is, you've discovered a hack that saves fingernails from damage.
The circular indent on the bottom of soda cans was designed for stacking and pressure containment, and it provides an easy way to open cans.
Read at Tasting Table