8 Cheddar And Sour Cream Chips, Ranked - Tasting Table

Potato chip lovers face many flavor choices, including the lesser-known cheddar and sour cream variety. These chips can be delicious when paired with dips or sandwiches but vary widely in quality. The article ranks several brands after tasting their offerings, emphasizing that some brands fail to provide a fulfilling experience. Specifically, Cape Cod's Aged White Cheddar & Sour Cream Kettle Cooked Chips are critiqued for their dull flavor despite having appealing design and texture, illustrating the importance of flavor in snack quality.
If these chips were a person, they would be someone who drinks oat milk matcha lattes on the daily and only gives their children brown and neutral-colored toys.
The flavor of these chips, much like their packaging and aura suggests, is dull. The chip design is flawless, though, and that's something that I will give the Cape Cod chip brand a lot of credit for as a whole.
The sheer number of folded-over chips in this bag would make any potato chip lover positively giddy.
While you get a little bit of that aged cheddar on the mouth, which tastes a lot like Annie's mac and cheese, you'll find it doesn't stick around long after on the palate.
Read at Tasting Table