Pedro Pascal was almost drafted in to replace Joaquin Phoenix in gay film role

Deadline previously reported that production for the untitled "intense" gay detective movie from Haynes is "completely dead" after a two-week limbo. The Joker: Folie à Deux star was reported to suddenly depart the "explicit" movie during filming, while producers attempted to resume the project. Details for why the Joker star left the film are unclear, though the publication did note that "there was buzz" around the film's "edgy scenes".
Haynes previously told Variety that the film sees "a Native American character and one is a corrupt cop in LA. It's set in the 30s. They have to flee L.A. ultimately and go to Mexico. But it's a love story with a strong sexual component". Despite the discourse around a replacement actor, Deadline previously reported that "production is dead, and not paused" as movie bosses were reportedly not looking to recast Phoenix's role.
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