A Nightmare on Elm Street rating change defended by BBFC

At the BBFC, we review the classification of older films when they are submitted to us by the distributor, typically ahead of an upcoming rerelease. When doing so, we apply our current standards as set out in our published Classification Guidelines. These guidelines evolve over time, informed by large-scale research, most recently involving 12,000 people, to ensure they continue to reflect the expectations of UK audiences.
the BBFC acknowledged that people are more concerned about violence across all the age rating categories around distressing and disturbing forms of intense or realistic violence...audiences tend to be more accepting of violent scenes which are more fantastical in nature.
In the case of A Nightmare on Elm Street, although the film features various bloody moments, it is relatively discreet in terms of gore and stronger injury detail. The kills often leave more to the imagination.
Read at www.theguardian.com