My secret life as a model: High fashion loved me most when I was visibly bony'

This article provides an intimate look into the life of a model, reflecting on the pressures of maintaining an extremely thin physique in the fashion industry. The author shares her experiences of rejections, fluctuating weight, and the demanding nature of fashion shows. With anecdotes—such as her friend's raw cauliflower dinner—it hints at the oddities that models experience. Despite the struggles with body image and weight, being scouted and succeeding in high-profile shows underscores both the allure and the harsh realities of a modeling career.
In the fashion industry, the extremely skinny look is still valued—you just can't make it obvious. The expression baptism of fire doesn't begin to cover it.
I have tried to build a thick skin to protect myself against rejections from castings and call-backs, as well as the ubiquitous skinny body standard.
When I get selected for a show, there is always the underlying fear that perhaps I took it too far—that I lost too much weight again.
Models are always telling stories like my friend’s—sitting at the kitchen table, eating raw cauliflower for dinner, revealing the bizarre realities of the industry.
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