Save a Finger, Get a Chainmail Glove

The article discusses the author's experiences with kitchen accidents, specifically involving knife injuries to their left index finger. Faced with multiple incidents, the author emphasizes the importance of safety in the kitchen and reflects on their journey to improve their techniques. They introduce the concept of the ANSI Cut Scale, a scientific measurement system for cut-resistant gloves. After one too many trips to urgent care, the author opts for a chainmail glove as a reliable kitchen accessory to prevent further injuries while cooking.
"It takes only a split second to erroneously remove part of your corporeal form, and, subsequently, feel like an absolute idiot."
"Even those among us with advanced knife skills find themselves occasionally falling victim to the finger chop... enter my new favorite cooking companion: my chainmail glove."
"I discovered that there is actually this thing called the 'ANSI Cut Scale' specifically used to designate how good a glove is at stopping your hand from getting cut up."
"Determined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA), it is shockingly scientific... to measure the weight [mm] required to cut through the sample."
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