People Are Sharing the Best Cleaning Tips They Ever Received, and They Are So Smart

The article highlights valuable cleaning tips shared by the Reddit community, focusing on practical and effective methods to achieve a clean home. Suggestions range from concentrating on one room at a time to employing time-boxing techniques for tackling chores in manageable segments. Users advocate using reusable rags instead of paper towels, utilizing old toothbrushes for cleaning, and letting products sit to maximize their effectiveness. These insights aim to empower individuals by simplifying the cleaning process and making it more enjoyable.
If you struggle to stay on track while doing chores, redditor mrsbono2u has a simple suggestion: "Clean one room at a time; otherwise you'll get too distracted." This one room rule is a favorite with professional cleaners, as it's one of the most efficient ways to tackle a home. Speaking of efficiency, this user added, "Don't put things down; put them away!" Also called the OHIO method (which stands for "only handle it once"), this tip is a game changer that can save tons of time and make for a less cluttered, more orderly space.
Sometimes cleaning tasks require a couple of hours, but oftentimes they can be broken down into bite-size chunks. If you struggle with getting started or feel overwhelmed, time-boxing your cleaning checklist might be the solution. SageBrush83 says, "You can do anything for 15 minutes." This technique isn't just for small chores, either. "It's helped me get big jobs done, in lots of little jobs," they added. Before you know it, this approach could naturally turn into a 20-minute daily cleaning habit.
Read at Apartment Therapy