I Tried the "Out-in-the-Open" Rule, and Decluttered My Kitchen Drawer in 45 Minutes

The article discusses the 'out in the open' rule from The Minimalists, a method to declutter by bringing hidden items into view. The author shares their personal experience of applying this rule to their kitchen utensil drawer, which had become cluttered and disorganized, contributing to their reluctance to cook. By removing all items from the drawer, the author was able to assess what they use regularly and what can be discarded. This strategy not only promotes organization but also encourages a mindset shift towards improved functionality in domestic spaces.
The 'out in the open' rule encourages decluttering by revealing hidden clutter, making it easier to evaluate which items you actually use and appreciate.
By applying the 'out in the open' rule, I tackled my kitchen utensil drawer, transforming it into a more functional space that invites me to cook.
Read at Apartment Therapy