Vladimir Putin's Russian horde is advancing from the north, devouring Ukrainian territory and setting the stage for more illegal annexations. To the east, Xi Jinping's China, leveraging a whopping 292bn (244bn) annual trade surplus, is playing European divide-and-rule while running aggressive covert intelligence and hacking ops.
Mario Draghi, former European Central Bank president, warns that the EU's reason for being is threatened. Yet seemingly oblivious, the commission's president, Ursula von der Leyen, spent the week bartering with European People's party leader Manfred Weber and other jockeying politicians.
We need to live in the real world and get a move on. The US people have given a carte blanche to Trump as we fuck around.
In an authoritative report in September, Draghi called for an annual 800bn investment in areas such as AI, green technology and defence, to boost flagging EU growth, competitiveness and security relative to the US and China.