Mostly, they don't vote': Dutch far-right support in European elections depends on turnout

The results of the elections, which will shape the makeup of the next European Commission and could have a major impact on the bloc's political direction in key areas including immigration and climate action, are expected on Sunday evening.
The centre-right European People's party of the commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, is expected to remain the single biggest group in the parliament, followed by the centre-left Socialists and Democrats (S&D) and the liberals of Renew.
Polls project big gains for populist and far-right parties that could significantly increase their influence on the mainstream.
In the latest polls for the Netherlands' 31 MEPs, PVV is predicted to go from one seat to eight, neck and neck with the Green-Left-Labour alliance led by the former commission vice-president Frans Timmermans, who is campaigning for a free, sustainable, safe and democratic EU.
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