Saul Luciano Lliuya, a Peruvian farmer, is suing German energy company RWE for its role in climate change that led to dangerous glacial melt threatening his community. The lawsuit, significant as one of the first trials brought by someone directly impacted by climate-related issues against a major polluter, could establish legal accountability for greenhouse gas emissions. RWE denies responsibility, arguing climate change is a global issue. The case, which has progressed to trial, may influence future climate litigation around the world, emphasizing the link between emissions and local climate impacts.
"This is one of the first cases of its kind—a case brought by someone directly affected by climate change against a major greenhouse gas emitter—that has made it all the way to trial."
"There is a lot of concern from people in my community about the future, about the issue of water, because all the rivers that come down from the mountains are used for farming."