We Earthlings: Don't Kill Your Fungal Friends

Fungi are crucial players in the ecosystem, capturing about one-third of human CO2 emissions and contributing to healthy soil. However, various agricultural and gardening practices harm these fungi, particularly the use of glyphosate-containing herbicides like Roundup and Ranger Pro. These chemicals can significantly damage soil ecosystems, weakening the fungi that support the carbon cycle essential for environmental sustainability. To protect these vital organisms, it is important to avoid over 750 harmful products and share awareness about their significance through storytelling and community engagement.
Fungi play a fundamental role in capturing up to a third of annual human CO2 emissions, which is vital for maintaining healthy soil and our environment.
Human agricultural practices, particularly the use of herbicides containing glyphosate, can severely harm fungi, disrupting the delicate balance of soil health.
To sustain the essential functions of fungi in the carbon cycle, we must avoid using over 750 herbicides like Roundup that compromise soil ecosystems.
Sharing stories and inspiring others to appreciate the role of fungi can help preserve these organisms critical for drawing down atmospheric CO2.
Read at Earth911