Securitising Education

The growing use of EdTech in schools is not merely about enhancing education; it's transforming classrooms into environments highly reminiscent of surveillance settings, where detailed records of students’ movements and interactions are consistently monitored, raising serious concerns about privacy and human rights.
Supporters of EdTech often argue that these tools improve student safety and learning delivery, but the reality is that this technology exposes private details of students' lives—such as their health, sexual orientation, and personal beliefs—making them feel like they are under constant scrutiny.
The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education has voiced concerns about how these technologies facilitate state surveillance, emphasizing that the intrusive nature of data collection and the involvement of commercial entities can have chilling effects on student behavior and expression.
The transformation of educational spaces into monitored zones undermines the fundamental purpose of these institutions: to foster learning, growth, and the exercise of individuals' basic human rights, calling for urgent advocacy and policy changes to protect students.
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