When your peers are staring at you, waiting for instruction, it makes it hard to want to experiment, or create the sense of dynamism or play that brings music to life,” said James Spinazzola, Barbara & Richard T. Silver Associate Professor of music in the College of Arts & Sciences.
For Spinazzola, that means harnessing immersive technology to help students build the confidence they need to access their creativity as they learn to conduct an ensemble.
Moseley's project, “The Art of Global and Public Health,” focuses on deepening student learning, expanding perspectives, building empathy and exploring creative responses to complex global and public health challenges.
Funded by the Center for Teaching Innovation, the Innovative Teaching & Learning Grants sponsor innovative projects like harnessing technology for conducting classes and integrating arts and humanities in education.
#immersive-technology #arts-and-humanities-integration #empathy-building #student-learning #innovative-teaching-grants